Find Me Quiz
Frequently Asked Question
Why do FindMeQuiz give away money?
Answer: FindMeQuiz want to make it rewarding and fun to search online. FindMeQuiz will show websites and products for all your needs. FindMeQuiz has changed the way we search.
Why do FindMeQuiz ask for all that information to register/sign-up?
Answer: FindMeQuiz has a verification process for all protential winners.  FindMeQuiz  makes sure the dollar amount is sent to the correct person of the account of the winner and staying within the rules of the game.
Do I have to play everyday for each of the game periods?
Answer: No, you play and submit your time and when that game period ends whoever has the fastest time will win.
Example: If you finish the 7-day game with a time of 6 minutes, if you like or feel that's a good time then submit and your done. How ever much time it take a player to answer all the question is the amount of time a player has to play. When that game ends if your time was the fastest you will be contacted. FindMeQuiz values your time.
Do I have to pay to play?
Answer: No, it's totally free to play. You just have to register to play and begin your quiz.
Do I have to purchase products?
Answer: No, you do not have to purchase any products in the promotions. 
Is this a credits or points game?
Answer: No, you do not have credits or points for the game. To put it simply, whoever answers the questions the fastest will win the game and the cash prize for the game period promotion date.
Why can't I submit more than one time for more chance to win?
Answer: We want everyone to have an equal chance of winning the game and for you to work hard to make your time the fastest it can be. 
What happens if I stop my quiz and don't use a "Stop Sign"?
Answer: You will have to start your quiz from the beginning.  So make sure you use a "Stop Sign" if you can. Weekly 7-day promotions don't have "Stop Signs" so a restart will be use if you have any.
How long is a "Stop Sign" good for?
Answer: The "Stop Signs" are only good for the game period for that promotion. If it's the 30-day promotion, it's only good for that game period for that 30-days. If it's the 15-day promotion, it's only good for that game period for that 15-day game.
Do I have to register/sign-up to participate in the game?
Answer: Yes. You can't play or win if you're not a registered player of the game.
Does sell my e-mail address?
Answer: No. We only use your email address to send you updates about game promotion, and to send e-mail to verify the winner.  
I know I enter the correct answer, Why won't it let me move on?
Answer: You have to match the answer in the FindMeQuiz database. 
Example: Arnold schwarzenegger is the answer but the database has Arnold schwarzenegger's you will need to try all possible ways.
FindMeQuiz has really tried to make it very simple and far to everyone that play our game because its not about the question it's about your time.
If you have any other question see the official rules, or go to the contact us page.